So I am embarking on my journey to use SBG in my classroom. I have started with my grade 8 classes in both math and physics. At first introduction (today was Day 1), the students seem interested in the idea though I know that weaning them (and their parents) from number grades on every assignment to feedback will take time. I have decided to start the year using the idea of green light, yellow light, red light for how they are doing on each standard. I have a feeling that I may need a wider scale, but will revisit this with the classes' feedback in a few weeks time. I wanted to share the standards I picked for both Math 8 and Physics 8; both based on Mexico's SEP curriculum. I am not sure if they are too general and I should be more specific. Please take a look and let me know what you think! Math 8: Understanding numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems Understanding operations and how they relate to one another Comput...
I am a high school teacher of mathematics, engineering, and computer science in San Diego.