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Showing posts from January, 2012

#ADE2012 - Day 2

Had another great day!! Learned more about fellow ADEs and had a few guest presenters as well. Saw some great stories told through video and some great ways of thinking about how to tell a story from Marco Torres, Bill Rankin and Julie Garcia. The University of Guanajuato is a beautiful place.  Tonight, I had my photo taken by a pulitzer prize winning photographer, Bill Frakes, with help from his assistant & editor Laura Heald and we started to write down ides for what group we want to be a part of for our project. Thinkning science development right now, but anything can happen tomorrow. Will keep posting. Meals have also been a good time to connect and meet new people.  And lastly beautiful night views.

#ADE2012 - Day 1

Half of today was spent in travel on the bus. It was quite empty... only 4 of us. Some not so good movies played, I crocheted a bit and napped too. I was so excited to get to Guanajuato and meet the other ADEs and I was not disappointed. First I got all my paperwork and swag... yah for fun apple water bottles and bags and mugs and pens... and also an iPad to borrow for the next few days. I think the bad part of that is that I will want to go out and buy one once I leave. Before heading into my room to meet my roommate for the week, I went into the conference room next door and ran into Marco Torres whom I had met during my time in Sweden. Boy is the world sometimes small. He is a past ADE and here to share some of his amazing knowledge with us. I met so many amazing people tonight from schools around Mexico as well as ADEs from the US and people from Apple too. I can't wait to learn even more about them and start working. Tomorrow we will get lots of info on tools and start ou...

Apple Distinguished Educator

Tomorrow morning I am off to Guanajuato for my week of training. My Double-Click presentation is ready to go... now I just need to put my stuff in my bag, transfer some files and get some sleep. Last day of 21-day yoga challenge is tomorrow so I need to get that in before I leave.  More coming soon... View Larger Map

New Year's Goal

Happy 2012!! With the start of the new calendar year, I will make another start to this blog. I am setting a goal to write in this blog once a week. I take this on to not only challenge myself to share my reflections, but also since I am about to become an Apple Distinguished Educator here in Mexico. My training is at the end of this month for which I am soooo excited to be a part of. This will help me to focus on gathering ideas and material for the training as well as for myself. See you later this week for my 1st new post. :)